
Jeremiah R. Harris

I am an associate professor of finance at Kent State University.  Much of my work has been related to multinational corporations, particularly tax avoidance, and mergers and acquisitions.  However, more recently, I have branched out and am studying short- and long-term  value implications of SEC-mandated 8-K announcements.  My research has been published at the Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, International Journal of Industrial Organization, and the Financial Review.  I earned my Ph.D. and Master's degree in Economics from Purdue University in 2014 and 2012, respectfully, and a Bachelor's degree in Finance and Economics from Utah State University in 2009.  Starting in 2022, I am affiliated with the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) as a Special Sworn Research Consultant.  


    email: jharri97@kent.edu

    office: BSA 426

    phone: 330-672-1097

    web: https://www.kent.edu/business/jeremiah-harris-phd